How to Share Self Storage with Friends and Family 

Sharing a storage unit with friends and family isn’t uncommon when it comes to self storage. You might be considering sharing a unit with your roommates from university over summer break or it makes sense for you and your siblings to spilt a storage unit while helping your parents downsize their home. Whatever the reason is, sharing a storage unit is a great idea when done with a few simple steps in mind. Mini Mall Storage is here to help you navigate how to share a storage unit with family and friends! 

Three Simple Steps to Sharing Storage 

Some of the best ways to start off sharing anything is with communication, having a plan, and being organized. This is super important when it comes to sharing a rented space like storage with someone. 

Two people moving into their storage unit with Mini Mall Storage

Determine a Layout 

The first step to consider is how much space you need and what storage unit size will fit all your needs. Once you know what size is right for you, you will want to decide how you will divide up your storage unit so that each person’s belongings are accessible. This can be achieved by putting tape on the floor and dividing your unit into halves, aisles, or sections. This sets out clear boundaries and ensures everyone knows where their stuff is and how they will be able to access it. 

A family moving in their boxes at Mini Mall Storage


Having open communication with the people who share a storage unit with is key to successfully sharing a unit. There are a few things you should talk about initially before renting a storage unit with someone: 

  • Liability: As there can only be one person’s name on the rental agreement you will want to decide who will take legal responsibility for the storage unit. We highly recommend creating a written agreement that defines what is expected of the parties sharing the unit and each person’s responsibilities. 
  • Inventory: Knowing what will be stored by each person and keeping a list of what is in the unit will help prevent misunderstandings. 
  • Termination Plan: You may not use storage for as long as the other person or maybe your circumstances have changes, and you no longer need storage. Determine a termination plan with the other person so you both know what to do in case one of you wants to stop using storage. 
A woman packing away boxes


Deciding how and who will be paying the bill. As there can only be one person paying for the account you will want to discuss who it is and ensure that the method of payment is reliable to avoid late fees and missing payments. You may want to also discuss what will happen in the event of a late payment. 

Ready to Rent? 

Renting affordable self storage with a friend or family member doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Mini Mall Storage makes it easy with these simple tips to successfully rent a storage unit with another person. Whether you’re in it for the short term or long term you can feel confident renting at one of our secure storage facilities. We offer a variety of sizes with great features to make your experience happy and stress-free. Call us today! 

Find affordable self storage near you and don’t forget to refer a friend and save $50 on your storage unit!

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