Is It Just Us, Or Are More Canadians Moving to the U.S.?  

With a strong economy, better weather, and beautiful scenery, more and more Canucks are migrating south. Recent numbers suggest that Canadians are moving south of the border at a rate about 70% higher than a decade ago. This post by the CBC attributes most of these moves to a prevailing sense of fatigue with Canadian politics and the desire for a more affordable life.  

Snowbirds have been doing it for years, and with more and more boomers hitting retirement age, that trend is likely to continue. But it’s growing increasingly common to see younger Canadians moving to the US, too.   

If you ask us, it’s probably because there are more Mini Mall Storage locations south of the border. Right? Yeah, that’s definitely it. Now that we’ve figured out the why ,let’s look at some of the big questions that come with a move from Canada to the US. 

A family packing Mini Mall Storage boxes to move to the United States

Is it cheaper to live in Canada or the U.S.?  

The first thing on most Canadian’s minds will probably be the cost savings. After all, U.S. dollars are worth more, so the extra buying power would translate into monthly savings for us northerners. But is it really cheaper to live in the U.S.?  

The answer depends on where you choose to live.   

Let’s do a little comparison between Toronto, Ontario, Canada’s biggest city, and Philadelphia, a city of roughly the same population within its respective greater metropolitan area.   

Population 2.8 million (Approx 6.4 million in metro area) 1.6 million (Approx 6 million in metro area) 
Average rent for 2 bedroom apartment  $2,340 USD $2,094 USD 
Average monthly grocery costs per person  $314 USD $280 USD  
Monthly transit pass $114 USD $96 USD 
Average utilities for person $117 USD  $280 USD 

Living in Toronto would put you at a slight disadvantage for those basic monthly costs, with $2,885/mo compared to $2,750/mo in Philadelphia.  

A person filling out an application for a visa for US

What about small towns?  

You know Mini Mall Storage is all about the small towns, so what happens to your monthly expenses when you get outside the major metropolitan areas? Here’s a quick comparison between Swift Current, Saskatchewan and Newton, North Carolina.  

Population 16,750 approx.  13,150 approx. 
Average rent for 2 bedroom apartment  $859 USD $907 USD 
Average monthly grocery costs per person  $342 USD $302 USD  
Monthly transit pass $55 USD $45 USD 
Average utilities for person $230 USD  $140 USD 

Swift Current will set you back about $1,486 US for these basic needs compared to $1,394 in Newton. But remember, there are many more things to compare, like cell plans and streaming services, that you’ll want to take into consideration. On average, living costs are slightly lower in Canada than in the US. That being said, U.S. salaries tend to be higher on average, and some states don’t charge income tax, so you’ll need to do your research and consider this when making your decision.  

Mini Mall Storage

Is it hard for a Canadian to move to the U.S.?   

Canadians can travel to the U.S. on pleasure without needing a visa but moving to the U.S. to take up residence permanently and work is a different story.  

If you have a job lined up that’s willing to sponsor you, have an American spouse, or are a wealthy investor, you’ll probably have an easier time getting a green card. But for the average person, it generally requires applying for a specific visa. The type of visa you need will depend on whether you’re seeking employment, the type of work you do, and your family’s needs.  

Some other considerations to keep in mind, include closing your Canadian bank accounts and getting your American accounts and credit set up. The two systems are not linked so you’ll be starting over in the US.  

Planning, researching your visa type, and enlisting legal help will be essential steps to make the transition as smooth as possible.  

Moving from Canada to the U.S. can be a great way to achieve a better quality of life in a warmer climate without straying too far from home. While the cost-of-living comparisons between cities like Toronto and Philadelphia or smaller towns like Swift Current and Newton aren’t jaw-droppingly different, the decision to make the move ultimately depends on individual circumstances and priorities. 

When you’re ready to get packing and set out on life’s next big adventure, Mini Mall Storage will be here to help make the transition smoother. With storage facilities on both sides of the border, we have the perfect self storage solutions to fit your needs. Check out our online calculator to see what size unit you need or visit us today to get started.  

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