Less Clutter, More Play: How to Organize Your Kids Playroom 

We all love our kids, they bring us an incredible amount of joy and happiness to our life, but they also bring clutter and disorganization. When it’s time to organize the kids’ playroom, we have just the right tips and tricks to keep the stress out of the fun! In this blog you will find practical ideas that will also (with any luck!) get your kids to be organized too! 

Tips? We Got em’! 

You’re at your wits end with the clutter and stepping on Hot Wheels and doll shoes, now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine a well-organized toy room where even your kids are putting away their things. Sounds like the perfect dream, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be. We have put together some of the best tips to keep your kids’ spaces organized and your sanity intact. 

A small child playing with toys in a playroom

Ditch the Clutter  

Growing attached to your children’s toys is natural, you’ve watched them play with those toys and grow with them, but there comes a time where you need to let go of the emotional attachment and declutter the playroom!  

There are some simple rules to follow when it comes organizing the playroom:  

  • Age Appropriate: If your child has grown out of the toy and it will no longer stimulate them or help them learn, it’s time to let it go!  
  • Broken: We have all held on to a toy or two that’s broken but our kids love it, so we keep holding onto it. If the item isn’t something you are specifically holding onto for memory purposes, let it go… into the trash.  
  • Missing Pieces: Building a puzzle is so much fun and honestly relaxing, but nothing gets a kid more fired up than having one piece left and it’s missing. Avoid the tantrums and the endless hours looking for the piece. It’s time to remove toys with missing pieces from your home.  

A child organizing toys into storage bins

Organization That Inspires   

You don’t have to do it all yourself, get the kids involved in this step! Since you just decluttered, you can now move into the organization part (which honestly is one of the most satisfying steps). Here’s how to get the kids to help, one of the fundamentals of learning in children is sorting and matching. Start a pile for all the various toy types and have your kids put the rest of the toys where they think they should go. Your kids will not only stimulate their minds, but this becomes a game for them and gives them ownership of the toys in the room.  

Pro Tip: Put the toys into categories of what they are, cars/trucks, make-believe, arts and crafts, games and puzzles, and books. This gives you a visual of the toys and where they make the most sense 

Storage bins for kids playroom organization

Add Functional Furniture  

Playrooms don’t have to be full of multi-colored bins and obvious kids’ furniture. Let’s elevate the area and make it not only functional, but also atheistically pleasing!  

Some functional furniture that we love in playrooms:  

  1. Cube Storage Shelf 

These are super underrated! Get crafty and add a few of these to the length of a wall and drill together, source out some patio cushions and put them on top of the cubes and voila! You not only have added storage space, but you also have a super cute reading area or a comfortable spot for you to watch the kids.  

  1. Floating Shelves  

We love these for many reasons: you can get them in a bunch of assorted styles to suit your playroom and place them in accessible locations for your kids to grab books easily. You can also use them as a place to put your puzzles and board games and even use them to decorate with toys in the playroom placed neatly. 

  1. Purchase an Easel 

If you’ve been wondering how to organize your kid’s art supplies, this is the answer! An easel is so much more than just a place for kids to doodle and paint. Get one with storage areas so you can add little tin buckets for their paint brushes, drawer organizers for all their felts and crayons, and have a place to store their pictures or coloring books.  

  1. Add a Desk 

Multifunctional, we love a desk in the kid’s playroom. Not only do you get the added benefit of your children having a place for their homework but if you can get one with cubbies, you just gained yourself extra areas to put your kids’ toys! 

  1. Labels  

Pull up your Amazon Prime account, you’re going to want to order a label maker ASAP. Properly labelling everything will really keep everything organized. Try adding a sticker or drawing of what goes in the labelled area so your little ones can visually see what is supposed to go in bins and storage containers.  

A teddy bear held by a parent and child

Not Ready to Part?  

There are just some toys that have such a deep sentimental value that you just cannot part with it. Whether it’s your child’s favorite bunny they dragged all over the house and never let go or a toy car their first bike that you watched them soar on but need the space, we can help! 

Mini Mall Storage will keep your precious memories safe and secure in our local storage facilities. We offer climate controlled storage for your more delicate items that need a consistent temperature. Don’t get overwhelmed by clutter in your kid’s playroom, we have you covered!  

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